Menceriakan suasana yang sangat 'redup' ...mendung, awan hitam berarakan, hujan renyai sepanjang hari ini. Warna salad, hijau timun, hijau lada bengala,ungu bawang, kuning perang karot sekurang2nya membantu mencerahkan suasana..
Khasiat Cuka: ...'A epidemiological study has found that people who choose to have an oil and vinegar dressing on salads 5 to 6 times a week have lower rates of heart disease than people who didn't.
Digestion > high content of acetic acid helps in the absorption of essential nutrients, natural cure for constipation, improving bowel irregularity n removing toxins at a faster rate
Weight Loss>acetic acid prevent build up of fat, speed up metabolism as well as burn calories faster. Add 2 teaspoon of apple cider to your drinking water daily in the morning, see the results in just a few weeks.
Acne>an effective natural agent that cures acne by killing the bacteria and balancing skin's PH level.also absorbs excessive oil from skin, how? dilute vinegar in water, using clean cotton apply to your face and leave on for about 10 minutes, then rinse.
Cold>when you have cold, the body becomes more alkaline.vinegar help to re-balance the body's acid level and decrease the length of illness..mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar in half a cup of warm water to fight the cold. vinegar also helps with nasal congestion and asthma symptons
There's more...for body odour,diabetes,hiccups,insomnia and dandruff. will update to go
Source: LIFE & TIMES HEALTH, OCT 9,2012, Add a spoonful of vinegar by Kasmiah Mustapha.