Sunday, June 13, 2010

'Tak nak merokok','merokok bahaya kesihatan'..bla...bla..bla

Rumah dalam taman pokok tembakau...tembakau punca pendapatan..punca rezeki turun
temurun..sudut ekonomi 'ada demand, ada supply'.....sebab tu petani tanam.

Next...the process. drying and sorting the tobacco leaves.the journey to the making of cigarettes.

Though its meagre income...the women helps to get some pocket money..but to some maybe a source of income and for few others coz 'ppuaah dok ssajja'...sambil-sambil leh ngombrol wehhh..

Sooo...those are the stuff in the pic that 'made up' the rokok u all hisap 'bekebok'..

Open for discussion...who's the culprit for the smoking addiction?..the tobacco farmers..the women in the pic..the raw material supplier to the cigar making.. the rokok manufacturer..those people selling cigarretes...equation to the problems of chicken and egg..a ha..not to forget the existence of The National Board of Tobacco...its the individuals choice and tepuk dada tanya selera..kempen rokok punca kanser ke..rokok jejas kesihatan ke..rokok haram lagi lah apa aku kisah,banyak benda lagi haram..selain merokok memberi inspirasi, memberi 'tenaga' dan yang terbaru merokok boleh meng'kurus'kan badan..?

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