Monday, October 25, 2010


maaflah agak 'ketinggalan' sikit..sepengetahuan masalah buta huruf di negara kita dah lebih baik tapi nak kata 'in facts and figures' tak tau la.cuma rasanya dah lebih baik pada zaman ni di Malaysia..mungkin kalu ada kes buta huruf atau iliterasi terpencil sangat..dulu term buta huruf, pastu iliterasi, celik huruf, leni guna literasi, apa apa je janji umum faham..Mesia mmg camni badan yg menjaga hal2 istilah ni selalu 'berevolus'. sonok katakan.

baca surat khabar NSundayT 24 okt baru,kkejut jugalah satu berita kolum World bertajuk, '1 in 5 'functionally illiterate' in England'.....pupils in England spend less time learning the 3Rs than almost anywhere in the western world, an international league table has revealed....children aged bet 12 - 14 spend fewer hrs on English lessons.and also these aged group spend very little time on reading,writing n literature....secondary children spend less time learning mathematics...

despite the billions poured by the govt to improves literacy...

masih tersimpan keratan akhbar pada 29 jun,2010,NST...'US schools not making the grade'...isi berita seterusnya,..'record of dropouts,demoralised teachers,parents forced to enter a drawing to get their kids enrolled...American public schools is a sobering one...schools are not working..

masalah ponder????. walaupun kita tidak keseorangan..namun banyak kala kita mesia terlalu mendongak terlalu tinggi kat depa.

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